I LOVE LIVING IN NEWPORT!! Surfing, Summer Fires, Beach Sunsets, Beach. I just can't wait for summer...I may not be able to hit up the beach OR the surf
OR the sunsets
OR the summer night fires but remembering them will be good enough for me untill AUGUST rolls around, Summer here we come!!!
5 Happy Thoughts:
Oh, you lucky girl!!!! Where you live looks GORGEOUS! :D
I have to admit it IS pretty perfect there. About the only thing it doesn't have that I would miss would be AUTUMN!
You'll be up and enjoying the outdoors again soon enough--for now, you keep resting :)!
Gorgeous pictures, btw!
Thanks for the beautiful pictures to remind me that summer is just around the corner even though it is snowing right now as I look out the window. Ughh!!!! Please send me some of your wonderful weather. I can't wait to come see you soon.
YES that looks AMAZING!!!
AMY!! I don't have your number else I SO would have visited you! We were sleeping on Doheny Beach. It was such a great week. I want to move there. Seriously. I love it.
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