Thanks for all your support guys. Can I say, I LOVE Hotel I mean Hospital Hoag!

I was very lucky and had nurses that looked out for me and got me only the best room!I had a million dollar view it was amazing!!! I had an ocean view and a corner room so it was huge!! We were planning on getting dischared around 6:00 pm but I was having some really bad contractions and also the spinal tap hadn't worn off yet making it so I couldn't walk. I was a site to see when they told me I had to get up and try to walk and use the rest room. It felt like I didn't have legs, it was a really weird feeling. As 6 had come and gone the dr told the nurses that we were going to have to spend the night so I could be monitored. They didn't want the the contractions to get wores but if they did I would be there in the hospital and they could take care of and problems.

They moveed me from my grand Ocean View suite to the next floor up where I then had a view of the other side of the hospital, that wasn't such a grand view but oh well it is a hospital not a hotel right. By morning I didn't have as much pain and the dr came in to talk to Scott and I. He told us we coudln't take any more pain pills and if I start contracting again then they will have to take out the stitch that was just put in place. That is something we don't want so that means we are on some pretty strict bed rest.

Plus by the way I have the most amazing husband!!! Scott did everything for me and is still doing everything for me. He is so amazing and so far is loving taking care of me while I can't do anything. We will see how long that last :) Thanks again guys and if any of you have fun ideas of things to do on bed rest I would love to hear them:)
12 Happy Thoughts:
Oh good Amy! I'm so glad you are okay. I was worried. Good luck on bed rest! You could take up digital scrapbooking...looks like you have a Mac (I'm SO jealous!)...those are great computers for graphics. Anyway...I could send you some links to learn it if you want. Let me know. Take care of yourself!
You are such a good example to all of us of positivity. You are always looking at the glass half full. I am sure that this has been so hard on you guys, but I am so happy that you are doing ok and are home from the hospital. Take it easy. We'll pray that your contractions don't start up again! My advice - start renting seasons on DVD, it will help pass the time - 24, Desperate Housewives (am I awful for suggesting that, but I love it), Seinfield, etc. xoxoxo katie
Well we are glad that you are doing ok. Boring or not to stay down. Make Scott and Billy cater to your every need. And I will come as soon as I'm done with school in April if you need me. You guys may have alot of dirty clothes by then.. hahahaha
oh and BTW I will take all the credit for you having such a great hubby . . . I raised him you know. I'm glad that something I taught him sunk in. Good boy Scotty. Love you both. oh and I love you too Billy!
Glad to see you home. I'll be sending positive vibes to you while on bedrest. I agree, watch tons of TV and possibly read a book or two =]
I'm so glad to hear that you're doing okay! You just enjoy that bed-rest and watch as many movies and sleep as much as you want! When that little angel comes, you'll be on the go, non-stop (so fun!) so just enjoy the down time! I'm so glad you have an amazing husband taking such good care of you! Take care! Love ya!
OH what a relief. I've been checking daily since your last post. I am so glad things are lokoing ok. Take care and do over do it, we need this baby to come. GOod luck, prayers and hugs.
lots of movies, magazines, books, internet, blogging. Do you watch Lost? Check it out on DVD if not, you'll be hooked.
Hey Amy glad to hear your home and doing okay. My sugestions for you are to watch all the seasons of Lost, Seinfeld, and Friends! That's what i did when i was home bound! Plus I crochet and knit so i made some blankets, some little animals for the nursery a giraffe, monkey and elephant they are so cute if you want the pattern! Then of course there is always books- i suggest the Twillight series of course plus The Work and the Glory are pretty good if you like churchy stuff. I agree with Amy about digital scrapbooking- it's way awesome you could do your honeymoon pics and it can take up alot of your time! Learn photoshop and everyone would be so jelous!
anyway, that's all i can think of- oh and i'm supposed to tell scott hi from 'tiner' I work with her in young womans and she asked if I knew Scott- what a small world!
Hey! There's the story! That view was gorgeous-- I bet they'd make a pretty penny renting it out to tourists :)
Glad to see you, Scott, and Billy all home and happy. Glad you've got such a positive attitude too! Still waiting on that order email.... ;o)
I hear ya about the hotel, er, hospital! Food brought to you all the time.. people constantly checking in on you to see if they can do anything for you... what a life! :) One of my favorite ways to pass time is to play sudoku on while listening to radio programs from ... just the perfect amount of brain activity/inactivity!
i'm so relieved to hear you're okay. i can't imagine you slowing down one bit, so i'm sure this is hard for you to stop. i think everyone has given great suggestions so i don't have much more to add.
we finally arrived in utah! we took some crazy flights on some very loud, very big planes, but i'm so glad we are here. we miss you though! love ya and take care of that little peanut!
Hey Amy and Scott! I was so relieved to read Amy's post saying all was better. I hope it stays that way! As for projects, the only things I can think of are digital scrap-booking (you can find TONS of free stuff for it, check out ) and learning to hand sew and embroider. I only thought of the last two because they are things that interest me. I know you talked about making stockings for Christmas next year and that sounds good too! Also, you could do Family search indexing! Oh, and read some good books. You might try the Shopaholic series, it's pretty funny and I'm having a hard time putting it down.
If I think of anything else I'll let you know. I'll ask some friends that were on bed rest.
Hey Gneitings! Glad everything is going well. Guess you'll have plenty of time to knit some cool baby hats. Tell Scott Hi for me. Take care of that little peanut in there.
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