Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A throw of Ignorance

Toinght Scott and I decided that we would spend our evening standing on corners holding up signs saying "VOTE YES ON PROP 8!" as we were standing there we got lots of cheers and people honking in excitement and acceptance that we were out standing up for what is right!! Scott and I were standing with probably 10 other people from our ward everyone one with a sign in hand and on each corner at the interscetion there was a group of 10 holding up signs. As we were standing there all of the sudden we herd a yell and a splatter and as I looked at my feet i saw a broken egg and i looked up and there was a car driving by throwing rotten eggs at all of us but non of the eggs hit us!! they probably threw 5 or 6 eggs and no one got hit.

i thought that was really crazy because we were like 2 feet away from the car. we totally had a bubble around us protecting us. Heavenly Father is on our side. I will have to say it would have totally stunk if i got hit by that egg and i'm not even kidding it was right by my feet. the people who are against prop 8 passing are very rude and ignorant and should not throw eggs at people who stand on the corner. ya know you don't see us throwing eggs at them. plus who drives around with rotten eggs in their car??? any ways that is probably our most exciting news that we have lately, who know what tomorrow will bring!!!

2 Happy Thoughts:

Carol said...

Wow that is scary to have crazy people chucking things at you. I'm glad that you weren't hurt. And I'm even more proud of you and your courage to stand up for what is right (even if your life was in danger) :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, how ignorant that someone should want to marry their partner whom they are in love with.

People do stuff that you disagree with, but that doesn't mean anybody has a right to make it illegal. It's not hurting anyone and people are always going to be gay. Same sex marriage is inevitable. The church isn't in any danger, nor are our schools. These are lies that people have claimed so that they can try and add validity to attempting to force their beliefs on those who do not practice the same virtues.

Letting other people be is what America is about and tolerance is a Christ-like attribute. Prop 8 is the epitome of ignorance.
