Raylee Brian Gneiting
1.5 years old 5 lbs.
See what I mean by were a little crazy. Scott and I just adopted a little chihuahua Raylee.
We have been thinking for a while to get billy a friend but with a new baby coming we decided that we just couldn't do the whole potty training thing and bed rest and a new baby, and a new doggie so billy has just been alone.
when we moved to our new house billy actually made a friend!!!! a Black cat name F#@%er. Yes the cat is named a very bad name. billy and the cat loved each other. Well the cat moved last weekend and billy just sits by the door and whines to go outside to play with his friend. It is actually really sad.
anyways long story short, our next door neighbors boyfriend was needing to give away his puppy so Scott and I said, well lets adopt him and try it out.
So we have Little Raylee. so far billy has loved him and they are really good friends. Wish us luck.