Monday, March 16, 2009

It looks like the Newest member of our family is...

Scott & I

are very proud to announce

the Newest member of our Family is.....


We are very excited to invite bob into our family.

So far BOB as been wonderful and such a joy ;) We can't wait to put BOB to use

As For the baby We will let you all know in about 5 months.

Were going to keep the sex of the baby a complete secret (not even Scott and I are going to know!!)!?!?!

9 Happy Thoughts:

Mandy | Baking with Blondie said...

you totally GOT ME!!! I feel like such a nerd... haha. Congrats on Bob, though! :)

Let the Good Times Roll said...

I hear the Bob's are amazing! That is exciting not to find out! How are you doing Amy? I hope you are hanging in there on your bed rest and doing ok. And congrats on one year of marriage, you and scott are so cute! We love you guys!

Fluffy Momma said...

i love that! i've heard that bob'a are amazing! you have so much self control to not find out what you're having!

Carol said...

ok i was ready to be really mad that you would announce your little secret with out telling me first. then i realized that you did tell me first. hahaha you got me!!!!

Jennifer P. said...

oooh! Very classy stroller, all pre-named and everything :)!

Loved the wedding pictures too---happy belated anniversary!

I'll be up with my whole brood on Thursday (gulp).

We Joneses said...

you are so gutsy!!! I totally want to... and don't want to... with my next. That's awesome. More power to ya.

Tyson and Capri said...

No i havent felt it move yet i cant wait though..I wait every night in bed for it but it hasnt happened yet:)..I am definatly going to look at that website i need everything!! I first need to know what it is:)..

Tyson and Capri said...

email is probably better:) its

Jennifer Gilmore said...

It is so much more fun that way!!! :) I love it - something Brian and I do - when the baby is delivered - have Scott tell you the sex - instead of the Doctor. It's a cool moment that you can remember forever!